Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's that I feel?

Right around my birthday last month, I was the designated child watcher so my husband could go to a dear friend's 40th birthday party celebration. I stayed home, watched a movie, and then got sucked into an infomercial. I think this infomercial is going to change my life - and I am already feeling the results.

I bought Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution. How could I not after seeing so many convincing before and after pictures?! These included real people I could identify with, people who had bellies or love handles, but weren't hundreds of pounds overweight. I probably have about 15 pounds to lose. I have 30 minutes a day to exercise. So I bought it, and Jillian is kicking my ass. Daily.

I've been fit before, especially when I was training for the marathon in 2005. After my second son was born in 2011, I was walking 5-6 miles per day. I shed all of my baby weight, but my belly has just not been anywhere close to firm. I also had c-sections for both of my boys, and thought I would never be able to have a flat stomach (and the last time I had one was in high school).

I was able to stay home with my youngest for the first 13 months of his life. I walked him around a lot. Then he went to daycare and I started a job within 2 months. That was the last time I exercised on a consistent basis. Now, fast forward, 8 months, I am searching for a new job and have time to workout, and finally make the change I need to for a healthy body.

I'm proud of myself for taking action, following through, and keeping the end goal in mind: healthy body and longer life. I'm on week 3 of the program, and I have already seen my sleep improve dramatically, my energy level is up, my mood is much better, my period was even cramp-free. But today, I am feeling my mid-back muscles, due to several moves from her "workout 4" DVD...I'm just reminding myself that this pain is good, my core will be strong, and those big muscles will burn more calories.

Luckily, I don't have to workout those muscles for another two days, but I do have to complete the Cardio DVD today. I'm looking forward to loosening up my muscles, get the blood flowing, burning more calories, and trying to keep up with her! Showing up is half the battle, pushing yourself to your max is the other challenge.

I can't wait to see what my body will look like at the end of the 90-day program. It will be just in time for my youngest's 2nd birthday, and with summer just around the corner, I know I'll be thrilled with my toned, strong, and lean body. Sexy, right?

I've been cooking her recipes as well, and I am pleasantly surprised at how tasty they are, as well as satisfying. I'll admit, I'm not down to 1200 calories a day as she suggests, however, I am eating better (less cheats) and I'm trying to eat less.

Anyone else survive a Jillian Michaels program? I've heard from friends that it's the only program that actually works. What else do you do to stay healthy?

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