Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Daze

When I was a senior in high school, my friends made up a shirt that we wore with pride "Senior Slump: No Brains On Board" and it was true. As soon as I received my early acceptance into college, I was pretty checked out. Of course I didn't let my grades slip horribly, but I didn't sign up for my last semester of French (after 5.5 years) because the idea of taking a 3-hr AP test in a foreign language just did not sound like a lot of fun.

So here I am some not quite 20 years later, and I just had a summer slump for the past month. If you read my blog you know that I set up some lofty goals - all well intended of course! My thought process is, if I put pen to paper and share it with you, that will ensure the commitment. Ha! Let's see how well I'm doing:

Exercise - I've made excuses, either too hot/humid, or it's raining, or I'm too tired - well, the facts are in, and I've gained weight - so it's time for me to hold myself accountable and get to the gym on the days where the weather isn't perfect. My husband and I are also considering workouts seen on infomercials, such as P90X or Insanity workout by Beachbody. Have you had any success with any of these programs? It's all about working out in a way that surprises your muscles, using your body as the weight. It's not a gimmic - it would be hard work - and my favorite part of the infomercial that makes me laugh is a pool of sweat on the floor from doing the Insanity workout.

Reading - I did finish the book, A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen and I am becoming more conscious of my complaints, and trying to get through the 21 consecutive days. It is one of the toughest things I've attempted - and I know it will be life changing. I'll let you know when I'm there. Apparently, it takes most people 6-8 months to achieve that goal. Want to join with me?

New recipes - after finishing my recipe book (several inches thick), I have tried several new recipes - and most of them have been outstanding. I am looking forward to menu planning and incorporating new recipes each week - it's helps to spice things up (pun intended)!

5 things I'm grateful for - I seem to only do this when I'm writing the blog - so either I need to start blogging daily, or incorporate this into dinner conversation. This does go nicely with the complaint-free challenge.

Job search - I am looking for full-time work, and shifting gears away from the agency world. This last month has been great in terms of finding opportunities that really interest me. The interviews have started, and we'll see what pans out over the next month or two. Whatever happens, I feel good about my actions and that's what is most important.

Clutter - my husband and I are making progress. We have been going through our closets and some of our to dos - and we both feel good when we finish a project. Next Monday, we are cleaning our office all day - and getting organized so that we can have some good ch'i (energy in terms of Feng Shui) and be open and ready for many good things to come our way. I am very excited and look forward to a clean, organized space where we will be more efficient.

Blogging - of course, how could I not talk about this? I think it's funny my last entry was about taking a break, and then I didn't post for a month! Maybe I needed a bigger break that I realized. What I do know is this summer has provided me the opportunity to take things easy, work on some personal things, enjoy time with my family, spend time with family and friends who are visiting, and I've had time to think. It's not easy being a working mom, and it's not easy being a mom who's looking for work - and for me, it's because personal time is one of the most precious luxuries. I think many people (not just moms) will find personal time is limited - and if you don't have personal time, how do you have time to think about things? I would say the best thing about this summer has been the flexibility of my time, and the fact that I don't feel I have to fill every hour of every day with some type of activity.

So I leave you with another hodgepodge of thoughts about life - dazed and okay with it.

Daily Gratitudes:
1. Finishing a book - and a book that I wanted to read on my own selection. I think the last time I read a book on my own accord was during my pregnancy (so about 3 years ago).
2. Watching family with little C - my husband's brother is in town and it was a lot of fun to watch him win over little C with a hand puppet (a rabbit that can pop out of a hat).
3. Little C sleeping in until 8:05 am today (he's normally up around 6:30 am). For anyone with kids, you understand.
4. Leftovers - the flavors meld and intensify, and all you have to do is reheat.
5. Discover Card bonus rewards - I've had my Discover card since I was in college - and I love that I can get gift cards with my cash back bonus, without paying an annual fee. My favorites seem to be: Spafinder, DSW shoes, and Gap. most of the time I'll get a giftcard for $50, for only $40 of my rewards - 20% bonus, on top of something already free! Love it!

What are your summer days like? What is your favorite activity you've made time for? How are your resolutions going? I want to hear from you!

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